Rule Amendments for All Netball in England from January 2018
Following extensive consultation with member countries the International Netball Federation (INF) has released a set of amendments to the Rules of Netball which will come into effect from 1st January 2018. These should be used for all Netball in England and also in conjunction with the England Netball Domestic Guidance.
The main purpose for the rule amendments was to make some definitions clearer which in turn allows the rules to become more accessible by the game’s many participants throughout the World.
For your information here are the highlights of the amendments made in this update:
o New definitions of breaking, pivot and set (for a free pass and penalty pass)
o The sanction if a free pass or penalty pass is taken in an incorrect position
o When a player who is in the correct position may take the penalty pass
o Umpires hold time to give a caution and new caution signal added
o Change ‘official warning’ to ‘warning’ throughout rules book
o Suspension period is 2 minutes playing time
o State when a player may move into the court surround
o Minor tidy up to remove duplication and provide clarity
In addition to these rule changes the INF has released a supplement that can be used in conjunction with the 2016 edition of the Rules Book.
England Netball has adapted the original supplement provided by the International Netball Federation to ensure Officials can print and cut out the rule amendments and insert them into the 2016 edition of the Rules Book.
The Rule Book supplement can be downloaded from this link;
New Rules Books can also be obtained from your local County Umpiring Secretary at a reduced rate of £6.00 each. For more details please contact your CUS.
The 2018 edition of the Rules Book can be downloaded from this link and can be saved to iBooks on iPhones and iPads or Pocket on Android… However, nothing beats having the real thing in your pocket!
International Rules of Netball 2018 edition
Please remember that any rules questions or queries can be sent to Officiating Department with more information found on our Rules FAQ page.
EN Full Domestic Rules Guidance 2016

INF Match Protocols